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The Perfect Summer Bite: A Classic Tomato Sandwich

Classic Tomato Sandwich

There's something undeniably satisfying about a perfectly crafted tomato sandwich. It's a symphony of simple flavors, where the juicy sweetness of ripe tomatoes takes center stage, complemented by the richness of mayonnaise and the bite of salt and pepper on soft, fluffy bread. This quintessential summer sandwich is a testament to the power of fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Ingredients (for 2 sandwiches):

  • Bread: 4 slices of white bread. Choose a good quality bread that's soft and slightly fluffy. Texas toast, sourdough, or even brioche can be interesting alternatives if you want to experiment.
  • Tomato: 1 large, perfectly ripe beefsteak tomato. This is the star of the show, so choose a tomato that's bursting with flavor and juicy goodness. Look for tomatoes with a vibrant red color and a slight give when gently pressed.
  • Mayonnaise: 2-4 tablespoons of Duke's Mayonnaise (or your favorite brand). Duke's is a classic Southern-style mayonnaise with a tangy flavor that pairs beautifully with tomatoes. However, feel free to use regular mayonnaise or even a flavored variety like lemon or garlic for a different twist.
  • Kosher Salt: A sprinkle of kosher salt enhances the natural flavors of the tomato and adds depth to the sandwich.
  • Cracked Black Pepper: Freshly cracked black pepper adds a touch of heat and complexity to the sandwich.


  1. Slice the Tomato: The key to a perfect tomato sandwich lies in the thickness of the slices. Aim for medium-thick slices, around ¼ to ½ inch thick. Use a sharp serrated knife to avoid crushing the tomato. Thinner slices will become soggy, while overly thick slices can be difficult to bite through. Arrange the tomato slices on a plate.
  2. Spread the Mayonnaise: Now it's time to dress up the bread! Generously spread mayonnaise on one side of each bread slice. Aim for a nice, even layer that reaches all the edges.
  3. Layer the Tomato and Season: Gently place the tomato slices on one of the mayo-coated bread slices. You can arrange them in a single layer or slightly overlap them for a more substantial filling. Season the tomato generously with kosher salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Don't be shy! The salt helps draw out the tomato's natural sweetness, while the pepper adds a touch of zip.
  4. Assemble and Enjoy: Top the seasoned tomato with the other slice of mayo-coated bread, pressing down gently to create a cohesive sandwich. Cut the sandwich in half diagonally for a classic presentation.

Tips for the Perfect Tomato Sandwich:

  • Use Ripe Tomatoes: This is crucial. A perfectly ripe tomato will be juicy, flavorful, and have a slight give when pressed gently. Avoid tomatoes that are hard, green, or have blemishes.
  • Temperature Matters: For the best flavor and texture, use bread and tomatoes at room temperature. Cold tomatoes won't release their full flavor potential.
  • Season Wisely: Don't be afraid to experiment with the amount of salt and pepper. A little goes a long way, but you want enough to balance the sweetness of the tomato and the richness of the mayonnaise.
  • The Art of Toasting: While a classic tomato sandwich is typically made with untoasted bread, toasting the bread adds a nice textural contrast and a hint of warmth. If you choose to toast the bread, do so lightly to avoid overpowering the delicate tomato flavor.
  • Beyond the Basics: This recipe is a starting point! Feel free to get creative with your tomato sandwich. Here are some ideas:
    • Add a layer of fresh basil leaves for a touch of herbaceousness.
    • Drizzle a touch of olive oil or balsamic vinegar on the tomato slices for added flavor.
    • Include a slice of crispy bacon for a salty and savory element.
    • Swap the white bread for a healthier option like whole wheat or rye.
